Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas Party

Last night was one of those nights that just go on FOREVER. I swear it was 12 hours long, but really it was only like 4. . Ok, so I have this aunt, well she's my grandma's sister. So I guess she's my great aunt or something. I don't know I'm not quite sure. But she is one of those people that gets really excited about christmas. Well, I guess we all get really excited for christmas, but she's just a little bit over the top. At least it seems to me. Like her house, it's completely decorated with christmas stuff. But that's just the outside. The inside is even worse. She has so many christmas decorations, it's crazy. But the thing is it's not all those cartooney santa clauses and stuff that a lot of us have. It's more like that really really fancy stuff. Like her tree, it's got silver and gold balls, and angels, and all these sparkely things hanging around it. And right next to the tree she's got some golden statues of reigndeer. And she's even got special golden rugs she puts out. I think there just for christmas, well if there not they sure do match. But the thing that she's really famous for is Nutcrackers. You know those little painted wood ones. I think she has over 500. And I'm not even joking either. She has SO many. There everywhere in her house. She has ones that are taller than me, and she's got some that are only as tall as a pencil maybe. It's seriousally amazing to see how many she has. So anyway, back to what I was planning on writing about. Yesterday was the christmas party that she has every single year. As long as I can remember. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Christmas party-- get to see all your cousins, get to eat good food, and get to just have a good time right? Well, not so much with this one. I guess I don't have to make it sound as bad as I am, but really, it's not too exciting. This is how it turned out, and has turned out for the past couple years. We show up at the house late, but really it's not that late at all. We're pretty much one of the first families there. After we get there, we go munch on the appetizers, and just sit there most of the time while my parents talk to all the other adults. After that (which takes like an hour or two) we all go downstairs and eat our main dinner. Which last nights wasn't too amazing. But it was ok. While were eating dinner of course, everyone's talking and stuff. Well, after dinner, everyone's still talking and what not. Oh, and when I say everyone I pretty much mean the adults. I'm pretty just with my sister on the couch. How exciting. I Know. Well, once one of those lady adults sees a camera it's pretty much a photo shoot for another hour. After that, we go back upstairs and sit on the couches up there. I"m telling ya, this party isn't much of an excitement at all. Oh, I almost forgot. So when were all eating dinner, this lady that's in love with nutcrackers gives all the families a present. Bet you can't guess what she gives us? Yeah, it's a nutcracker. So we get that, and then of course we take more pictures with the new nutcrackers we just got. This night just never ends. After that us kids finally convince our parents to go home. It seriously is one of the most boringest parties I have even been to. I don't even know if I could even consider it a party. And the worst part about this years was that normally I just hang out with my brother, but he had a school dance this time. So it was just me and my sister. But there's a girl my sisters age. So she was mainly with her. So, that was my real exciting saturday night for ya. I'm sure you guys loved reading about it. Sorry, if you did. I'm sure it will be better next week, promise!

1 comment:

Shanda Lier said...

I'm so sorry you had to sit through that! I go to a party like that every year too, and it's just as boring!