Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Moody Brother

My brothers are really interesting. They really are. Especially my older brother. He's seventeen now and is a senior at Layton High. Well, the reason why I think he's so interesting is because he kind of is a moody person. I know that sounds kind of girly but it's true. (If he reads that I'm probably going to get a beating from him sometime soon). But really, he changes his moods all the time. Like for instance one day he's totally my best friend and we'll laugh and have a great time. I mean sometimes he even gets so hyper it's like wow where did that come from. But other times he's a total jerk. Like seriously I bet i have like bruises all over me from him beating up on me. Not so much lately though, cause i've learned to fight him off Ü. Haha. But really he can make me like absolutely hate him sometimes. So tonight I was thinking what to write, and I was reading his blog and it totally reminded me of his so called 'mood swings', that sounds funny to say but I don't know what else to call it, so I thought I'd write about it. If you read his blog you'll know what I'm talking about. At first he starts off by saying "I think I'll just bash on my sister's gymnatics." Then later on he's sayin how good me and my sister are. Just read it you'll see...

blah blah blah
I don’t know what to right about this week so I will just ramble on about my sisters again. I think I will just start bashing on my sisters gymnastics. If you knew my sisters, you would know that they are in very deep in gymnastics. They have been flipping, dancing, spinning, rolling, bending, jumping and any other gymnastics term you can think of for most of there lives. I have two sisters (you would know them from my blog two weeks ago), Brittney is eleven and Mckenzie is eight. I can’t believe how determined and restless they are. My sisters spend at least twenty hours or more a week at the gym. That’s four hours a day at gym. Their whole lives are just home, school, and gym. They wake up, go to school, go to gym, go home, do homework, go to bed, wake up, go to school. And on and on and on and on….. This is what they do during the school year until they get off for the summer and can actually do something. Sometimes I think if they even have friends, it just seems that there is a chance that they don’t because they can’t play after school. Gymnastics is year round so in the summer they still don’t get that much free time. Besides all that time at the gym, my sister Brittney is really good right now. If you are into gymnastics, you would know that the Olympic and the U.S.A. Gymnasts are level tens. She is a level nine at eleven years old and she is only one level away from the twenty year old Gymnasts level. Once you are a level ten, you recruit a major trainer and then train the next five or so years. Then you try to get into the Olympics or go out for the U.S.A. team. I think we will make her stop at ten so we won’t have to move to another state just for her to get a well known trainer. Then my other sister Mckenzie is following in Brittney’s steps but she is only a level six right now. If you ever get the chance to go to a gymnastics meet, don’t go to one with levels six or lower gymnasts. I guarantee that you will end up sitting there for four hours or more listening to the same music being played over and over for the entire time. After the meet is done, you are praising the people that played the music because it finally stopped. But then, after you think you will never hear the song again. It just starts playing over and over in your mind like a routine. You will spend the rest of you life knowing the song until you get cancer and you lose your memory cells. This is just from my experience. If you ever want to do gymnastics, be ready to pull out your wallet. Because it is not a cheap sport. Thank you for your time.

So now you should know what I'm talking about. I guess you could just say it's his opinion about gymnastics. It's not so much of a mood swing but more like just him talking about what he thinks about gym, what he likes about it and what he doesn't. I don't know it just seems kinda "moody" to me. But one things for sure, he definately is a moody person when it comes to liking me. Like I said one day he loves, the next day I guess he just wakes up on the wrong side of the bed or something. So there ya go that's my blog about my "moody" brother. Ü

Ok, I guess I still have about 200 words to write. Well, I guess I just have to say that my brother is pretty cool, I guess. With all the things he said about gym and my sister and I. It's pretty cool to know that he does kinda care about us. Even though a lot of the time he's an absolute jerk. It's ok cause you know, he's my brother and we fight and stuff sometimes. So yeah, All in all, I love my brother when he's nice to me and actually wants to have fun with me. Other than that, he's just a moody boy that needs to be nice. haha. Well, that's what I think of my brother tonight, and I hope that's about a thousand words cause I missed last week's blog so i'm hoping this makes up for it.

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Gymnast_97 said...
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