Sunday, January 27, 2008

While I was doing my homework for one of my classes earlier tonight, i came across this quote:

"The man on the mountain didn't fall there..."

I don't know why but it just really made me think. It made me think about my life and all the stuff that I dream about being able to do. Being a gymnast, I dream about a lot. I am always thinking about my routines being perfect, and just me being able to do them without any mistakes or flaws. I think about how cool it would be if I was in the olympics, or even just on a good college team. I think about being on TV and all this other stuff that I'm sure you've all thought about before. And even with other things besides gymnastics, like school, or even just making friends, I used to dream about those kinds of things all the time. Maybe not always dream about them, but you know when your trying to fall asleep and your just laying there thinking about stuff? Like that. That's what I mean by dreaming. To tell you the truth, I really don't remember a lot of my dreams. Only every once in a while one will stick with me. It's kind of wierd. But anyway, just that time before you actually fall asleep. I think about everything. Most of the time it's just gymnastics, thinking of how good I could be. Well, to me all this thinking is kind of like goals. I tell myself that next practice I'm really gonna make this "dream" come true. I'm going to be able to do all my routines perfect. That never really happens. I don't think I've ever done any of my routines absolutely perfect. But it really does make a difference when I go into practice with a positive attitude towards myself, with goals in mind. I may not be able to have a perfect practice. But when it turns out better than normal, or I'm able to improve on one little thing, it really makes me happy with myself. I feel like I'll actually be able to progress in this sport. Other times, it doesn't work very well at all. I'll end up having the worst days, which is ok. Because it happens. But I never feel that way with myself. I'm always telling myself how bad I am, and even sometimes that I should just quit. All those years of hard work were for nothing. But, lately i've been trying to keep positive and be "PP". That's an inside joke, none of you will get it. But it just means to be positive all the time and just think of the best of things, even when times get hard. I kind of feel like some inspirational speaker or something. Oh well, I didn't know what to talk about and I saw that quote and it reminded me what I think about at night. Random I know but, if you didn't notice the name of my blogspot... it's called RANDOM, cause I never know what i'm going to be telling you about. Sorry if that really didn't make sense. I'm tired, and I'm ready for bed. Ü Oh, I kind of forgot about this part. But the whole quote and picture thing, it's just saying that guy didn't fall on top of that mountain. He had to work for it, and climb higher to reach his goal. So when your down and sad and stuff that just remember that your not always going to be able to have a perfect life, and it will get better. Just keep climbing. Oh my. That just made it sound even more like some inspirational speaker. Oh, well. Time for bed.

1 comment:

Brownie Lover said...

Thanks for explaining it cause I didn't really get it at first...You're such an inspiration!