Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ninth Grade

Well, I totally forgot about the blog this week until I was actually in bed, trying to go to sleep. I remembered when I had my eyes close and I was just thinking about stuff, you know what I mean right? Well anyway, I'm glad I remembered. I guess this week's blog is going to have to be about, I don't know, how bout ninth grade in general. I guess, to me ninth grade is a little bit harder than the other grades. I definately have more homework, not to mention it's harder too. And it just seems like I have to do everything right this year, no mistakes, perfect grades, cause they always say this year counts. Well, me and my dad were talking about it the other day and we came up with that ninth grade really does seem harder. I mean he said he doesn't quite remember back in his day if it was hard or not, but he said that he always remembered my older brother doing way more homework, and he definately cared about his grades that year. He thinks that since they do put all that pressure on you by saying, "This year counts..." or "No more easy stuff, this stuff is for real now..." It does just kind of give that feeling like, oh no, what I do now will definately ruin my life if I mess up, well maybe not that exagerated but, you get my point. He just thinks that that's the reason why my brother was all stressed out in ninth grade and what not, he says that now, even when my brother's a senior, he cared more about his grades in ninth grade than he has ever since. So I kinda agree with my dad, and I hope he was right about it getting easier as I get older. It does make sense in a way but in another it doesn't to me. I mean yeah, they get you all worked up and what not for ninth grade because your really in high school and stuff starts to count for college. So people probably do take it as more difficult than it really is, with over doing stuff just to make sure everything goes right. And then as they proceed through school, they realize its really not as big of a deal as they thought. But then again, wouldn't it seem like what they tell you is true, like you do start highschool when your in ninth grade, and then everything "really" does start to count. So it should seem like every year it should get harder, because your getting closer to graduating and going to college. So it should be harder in a way, sort of like you have to work for what you want. I don't know, I kinda went off about that. Anyway, back to what I think of my ninth grade year so far. Lately yeah it is a lot of homework and it's harder, but I kind of like it. Not the part about the homework, but I mean, I've met a lot of cool new people, and I've learned a ton more this year, and it is kinda of cool to go around school knowing your the oldest. haha. So yeah, all in all, I kind of like ninth grade and I hope it's a good year all the way through. I also hope what my dad said was true about it all getting easier, cause that would just make it all the better.

1 comment:

Panda Girl said...

9th grade does seem like there's more work, especially since this year counts. Math is super hard sometimes too :p
Nice blog! :D